To apply the metaphor of war to life is not something I personally like. However, I felt inspired to think that way today; and what I saw was very comforting. Read on and enjoy this report from the battlefield !

The warring powers: Father in Heaven (perhaps “God” is His most popular name), Satan (Warlord, Ruler of Hell)

Commanders: Jesus (Second person of the Trinity, the only begotten son of the Father), Satan (emperor himself commands the army)

The war is fought primarily on Earth, and that’s where all causalities occur. The outcome of the war decides who claims the souls of the people of earth at the time of their death.

Now about the chances on either side. The fact is that this war was long settled at the gardens of Gethsemane in AD 33. In this decisive battle, supreme commander of the heavenly forces, Jesus Christ, subjected his will to the cause of sanctification of the entire planet, thereby securing a decisive victory once for all.

He followed that up with an offensive up the hill of Calvary, lifted the flag of victory for the entire world to see. In the days that followed, he marched right into the heart of Satan’s empire to make sure that he doesn’t miss any land in between. The ultimate destruction of Satanic forces and of death was achieved on the third day of the Calvary offensive when Jesus rose from the dead.

In essence, the outcome of the war has already been decided in that battle. Satan has been defeated and the powers of Heaven have prevailed.

Since then forces of Heaven are in the process of consolidating the large swathes of territory once lost to the evil forces. However, remnants of Satan’s old army are still in power in certain places and hence some resistance is still felt. Towards this end, Jesus ordered a re-organization of heavenly forces into what is known as the Church. Under the church, outposts were setup all over the reclaimed land and a systematic effort of routing out anything that is left of Satan’s forces is underway.

However, the cleanup is taking much time than expected. When Satan retreated he also left a large number of IEDs and other explosive mines which continue to cause causalities. What more, in certain parts where he still has some influence, often fake news are spread regarding what the real outcome of the war is. There are completely false claims such as the war is still on, Jesus’s victory in Gethsemane is not true, Calvary offensive didn’t happen etc. This is impeding clean up even more as the effectiveness of Jesus’s army and their morale is seriously dampened. It’s said that there are even officers in the Holy army who believe that the war is still on.

Nothing can be farther from the truth. Truth is the victory has long been won and that victor is the Father in Heaven. What is remaining is simply the re-establishment of the heavenly order and the complete routing out of whatever little is left of Satanic forces.