Today is Good Friday and I got the opportunity to altar serve today.

A few thoughts that occurred to me during the service inspired me to write this post.

First of all, Good Friday draws the largest crowd of the year. How true it is when Jesus said, when I am lifted up I will draw all men to myself !

Secondly, my own experience serving at the altar made me realize how rich in meaning and central to our faith is the interplay of one’s one will and the will of God.

For God, He can do anything they say. But heard of a God who Himself surrendered His will to an other ? The more I think about it, the more radical I find it !

God, surrendering to someone else ? Sure, Jesus surrendered His will to God Himself. But, there is no doubt that at that moment, Jesus was surrendering His will to Someone Other – another Person (of the Trinity) ! Why have You forsaken me !

And so goes the message of Good Friday, a message of dying to my ego and learning to be a instrument in the hands of God. It’s hurts at times, but I hear a voice inside me saying: “Jobin, it’s real, it’s worth and it’s love”.

Peace to the World and the Web.