Google and the Culture

This YouTube video by Matt (a great catholic communicator) prompted me to write this post Matt recently talked about his experience of being banned by Google’s office from giving a talk on the ill effects of pornography on it’s campus. He was invited to speak in the first place by a group among the employees themselves, but was later stopped from doing so by the company citing concerns raised by it’s employees regarding what he had said earlier....

July 17, 2019

The True, the Good and the Beautiful

The title is an answer to one of humanities Big questions: What will make me happy ? Anyone who pursues happiness (which is everyone) knows for a fact that there is no one thing that will keep a person happy forever. As a matter of fact, in most of our experience the average longevity of a happiness is utmost a few days. Think about, winning a competition, getting a job, making a discovery, etc....

January 26, 2019


What is love ? Is it something true and real ? God is Love and hence Love has all the qualities of God – it is true, good and beautiful. Being made in the image and likeness of God, we share in God’s Love. Only two persons can love and in that love there is always the lover and the beloved. God loved us first and thereby taught us to love....

January 16, 2019


Yesterday I read an article in the which talked about apathy as the #1 enemy of catechists. I cannot agree more personally.

January 16, 2019

Being a Catechist Strengthened Me

I have been blessed to catechise children for 3 years now. I am writing to share what I felt were the most important things to remember of being a catechist. Most of what I share were learnt, and I continue to do so as I wrestle with the challenges of living the faith. I am thankful to the loving ones who lead me with their light. So, why do I catechize and why is it hard at times ?...

May 19, 2018

AI and the Future

With the awesome demo of Google Duplex I/O 2018, I got another chance to think about AI and the future. While a lot of buzz may be made about this technology, I was trying to get my finger on what may be the true potential of this technology and how it may get integrated into our everyday lives. For one, the top level consumer IT products such as those from Google are already making use of AI....

May 9, 2018

From the Battlefield

To apply the metaphor of war to life is not something I personally like. However, I felt inspired to think that way today; and what I saw was very comforting. Read on and enjoy this report from the battlefield ! The warring powers: Father in Heaven (perhaps “God” is His most popular name), Satan (Warlord, Ruler of Hell) Commanders: Jesus (Second person of the Trinity, the only begotten son of the Father), Satan (emperor himself commands the army)...

May 6, 2018

Leaping Into Fathers Arms

I wanted to have a picture of the title posted; then thought of copyrights and decided I will simple leave a link to google search here. Career choices are hard to make; In the moment it always seems like a lot of anticipation and uncertainty. At the same time, when looking at some one else’s history it always looks so natural. The topic of this post is not to analyze this phenomenon or to give a reasoning for it; instead to share how a person of faith may approach the same situation....

May 5, 2018

Education - Hope for the Future

Look at politics and a sense of hopelessness fills. How could we end up with people with nothing but personal interests be our leaders ? A lot more other questions. I believe, changing is present is a frustrating task and to a large extend futile in itself. What is more rewarding and feasible is to invest in the next generation through education – in other words invest in the future.

May 5, 2018

A Students Essential Virtue

In my mind, humility is an essential virtue necessary to progress in studies. Imagine the study of Mathematics. The more earnestly you pursue the more you find what you don’t know. This can be a agonizingly intimidating and disorienting experience. Those are the times when you realize that if just understanding what is already known is difficult, how more would it be to contribute to the unknown. Do I, with my modest abilities, even have a place in the tall order of the truly gifted people ?...

May 5, 2018